Install Vector on NixOS

NixOS is a Linux distribution built on top of the Nix package manager. This page covers installing and managing Vector on NixOS.

Nixpkgs has a community maintained module for Vector, the options for which may be viewed on the NixOS Search.

This can be used to deploy and configure Vector on a NixOS system. For example, place into a system’s configuration.nix:

services.vector = {
  enable = true;
  journaldAccess = true;
  settings = builtins.fromTOML ''
    type = "journald"
    current_boot_only = true

    type = "internal_metrics"

    type = "loki"
    inputs = [ "journald" ]
    endpoint = ""

    source = "journald"

    type = "prometheus_exporter"
    inputs = [ "vector_metrics" ]
    address = "[::]:9598"

The module will also verify that the Vector configuration is valid before enabling any changes.

See also the Nix package page.

Supported installers